Whilst strobes of various kinds are good for measuring average speed, the advantage of the test tone approach is that it allows one to monitor speed stability over the shorter term. The simplest method is to set up a frequency counter with the shortest sample interval which gives acceptable precision.
A better method is to monitor the test tone waveform on a scope using a separate, stable wave as the timebase. The test tone will then walk back and forth across the screen at a rate which equals the frequency difference between the test tone and the stable wave. If the stable wave is indeed stable and the test tone was recorded at constant frequency then the variation is due to the speed of the table wandering.
A better method is to monitor the test tone waveform on a scope using a separate, stable wave as the timebase. The test tone will then walk back and forth across the screen at a rate which equals the frequency difference between the test tone and the stable wave. If the stable wave is indeed stable and the test tone was recorded at constant frequency then the variation is due to the speed of the table wandering.