The tube question is interesting.
I've listened to the Havana with my standard Paradisea+ fav tube, a Bendix 2C51 as well as with a NOS Tung Sol 396A.
What I've found though is that I prefer the more "tubey" sounding, more lush Tung Sol 396A over the more detailed and "airy" Bendix 2C51 in the Havana.
The opposite is true in regards to my Paradisea+.
In regards to my listening preferences ... in general ... I do not like an end product (sound) that is in anyway "digital" sounding.
I like sound that communicates as it would in a room with live performers ... and frankly, most digital delivery systems don't meet that mark.
The Paradisea+ does meet that mark and it meets it well.
The Havana, as well, meets that "live music sound" benchmark ... but to my ear, more so when using a warmer sounding, more liquid tube like the 396A variants.
It's still quite decent with the Bendix 2C51, but begins leaning towards the sharp side of things ... at least with my notoriously picky Grado RS1 headphones.
With something like Sennheiser HD650's ... with their legendary "laid back," smooth and "dark" sound ... my comments might be completely different.
Thanks for the word.