MissingCDs and records

Since I have had a long-standing hip problem (now being fixed,) I have physically been unable to play CDs and more significantly, records.  
I bought an outstanding streamer (Aurelac 200) to cope with my disability, and am very happy with the sound it’s producing .  However, I’m now finding that, despite the superlative sound of the Aurelac, I’m missing the experience of relishing individual discs and records which have their own character and speak to me. They’re like old friends you can’t replace with a stream.  Of course there are many advantages to streaming, including a universal discography to select from, but having that intimate contact with an artifact is a special feeling.



You’re lucky that it only took a few days.  I think it’s gonna be a lot longer for me.  
I can’t wait.

my first few days were rough, next few weeks difficult, then much better...started PT same day as surgery...I  have friends who healed very fast and some , like me, not so fast...but you will ultimately feel so much better than you've been feeling...take it slow and let others help you !!!

Trying to look on the bright side of all of this, I used to find that pain pills enhanced my listening experience.

@rvpiano hopefully you get your hip fixed and recover quickly!

as to nostalgia with records and CDs…I think playing records and CDs for a few days should cure it. With the introduction of N200 in my system I do not miss my analog set up. Yeah handling records and CDs is cool. Next time you stream your favorite classical album with N200 just grab a record and enjoy the physical album in your hands while listening to noise free music without having the need to get up to flip a record then rush back into your chair. Best of both worlds!

gets up-flips through albums-picks album-takes it out of sleeve-holds it up to light-turns on TT-places album on plinth-sets source-lowers needle-watches record spinning-white noise-pop-fade in-steps back-music starts playing - smiles the whole time. Pure fun

Whereas streaming must be - click. click. click-music starts


I get it.

Growing up in the 70’s, I had a friend, Rocky R. Ruckman (RIP), singer, guitarist in a local band who had this AMAZING record collection. Even MORE amazing was Rocky’s eidetic memory. Take ANY LP off the wall and he could tell you every single detail on it as well as recall and associate articles he had read in Melody Maker, Billboard, Rolling Stone (still in its infancy then), who was the studio engineer, equipment used, etc.

CDs at best, have a little information but nothing close to what used to be available about the music, the musicians, engineers, studios, instruments, etc.

I too marvel at the details lost in digital music’s popularity, not the least of which is, like “the cloud” any data you don’t have and hold physically - like books - is, as an NCO in one of my army duty stations used to say “subject to change.”

Amazon frequently edits, amends, even outright CANCELS writing and writers with whom their management has political, ethical, other disagreements with. Lord knows what they do to music why, even DISCOGS reserves the right to not allow “offensive material” to be sold on their site. Who is to say what is “offensive” and to which “most-favored” group du jour?

In the middle ages, few owned books, mostly the enclaves and cloisters of The Church until Johannes Gutenberg brought “The Word” to everyone with the help of the printing press. Until that time, everyone had to rely on the - often redacted - memories of the priestly caste and only that which the select few deemed worthy for the hoi poloi (NOT the song by Utopia) to hear.

Digital music has boiled all that down to where someone like Beyonce is considered “creative” and an “artist.”

Fanfare for the common gender.


I enjoy vinyl. I also own several thousand CD’s and enjoy the ritual involved in my LPs (also thousands) and rely on the innerwebs for information on the bands/music on CD where none comes with it.

The future certainly has its losses, as well as its gains. But everything we experience IS in the past.

Enjoy it while you can.

Yeah I've had stomach cancer going on 6 years now...love playing albums and cds,looking at the covers and reading anything that's with them. .my problem now it ,I put alot of audio equipment up in my attic....and can't get up and down the latter with boxes now....oh well....

I have had stomach cancer four 6 years.I find it to hard to carry stuff down from my attic....to narrow and very easy to fall...


Very sorry to hear of your condition.  
My ailment is really minor.  
 Lots of good wishes to you.

I agree with you- the reason I tried Roon was the meta data that’s a little like reading liner notes. 

Heal well and continue to find enjoyment 

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