Mistakes I’ve made

Lending out audio gear!

Loaned a turntable to a relative- he tossed it in the trash when he was done with it and switched to cd

Loaned a turntable to a friend- he has no idea what happened to it 

Loaned a receiver and cassette deck to a relative- he bought a mini system and threw out my gear 

Loaned another receiver to a friend- got smashed 

what “why did I do that” moments have you had? 
+1 @kingsleuy
+1 @middlemass
Stuff and money comes and goes, but what should be a higher priority is relationships.
Generosity is a great virtue, but it must be tempered with wisdom.  For instance, if a guy keeps running out of money because he cannot control his spending, he cannot distinguish his needs from his wants, then any additional money won’t really help his problem.  If it is a loan, you’ll only be adding to his burden which he cannot pay back.
Post removed 
I loaned kenjit a pair of speakers and when he gave them back he had drilled holes in the back to tune them to his liking.  Something about the back waves now being able to escape versus bouncing forward and commingling with the forward firing waves.  Way over my head.