MM Cartridge for VPI Scout

Currently using a Benz H2 and getting too much distortion especially on the inner grooves during classical music. I think the High output has something to do with it. Any suggestions?
I have an early production model using the standard JMW-whatever arm without the mechanical anti-skate adjustment; never had to fool with twisting the wire to get the anti-skate effect, perhaps the original owner did. I've had the table for roughly 5 years and no complaints.
If you think it is vibration, from perhaps possible interaction from speakers, one way to eliminate that possibility, is try the set-up with headphones, or play at a lower spl level.

I've owned a couple of Benz Cartidges, the Glider, and the Ruby 3. Benz Cartidges have generally been known to be very excellent trackers, and also very versatile cartridges, working on virtually every arm without problems.

Stick with it, checking, and eliminating possible causes one by one, I'm sure you'll come out in the end trimumphant. Mark
I think I am on to something. I am really appreciative of all of your help. Vibration is definitely affecting the performance. I just put a piece of granite under the table and already an immense improvement in tracking. What I am thinking is wall mount. I may down the road upgrade my table just because I really love the sound of vinyl. The Scout really does a great job for the price/performance.
Clearaudio Maestro! I have a backup 1 for my system i'd let go for $875 and they go for $1000, its never been out of the box, they sound great on my Scout, best cart i have ever heard.
DO NOT USE THE ANT-SKATE!!! it screws up the tone completely
if the cart is setup right you won't need anti-skate anyway
can anyone here list some carts not compatible with the JMW 9 tonearm ?
Does this have anything to do with the weight of the cart ?
would a cart w/ 4g work ? all the way to 13 grams ?
thanks for the inputs.