MoFi - Are You Kidding Me?

I just opened a brand new 180gr 45 RPM release from MoFi and it has a frickin’ finger print on it?  Seriously.  I never have that kind of issue with Quality Records Pressings.
This whole thing , every response, and the initial complaint, makes me laugh.


 a fingerprint? Dude, if it were me, I would start a complaint, call and email the company, and let them know your feelings.

hahahaha a fingerprint.....
?”!!! Hahahahah
your funny.
 To bad this forum don’t have little pictures and those small smiley face guys.

:eating popcorn:

:simpsons HA-HA guy:

i would call them and let let them know how mad you are, maybe you can get a free dishwasher rice inner sleeve?

imbought a new sealed Anthem album a while back, I opened it, and there was some white stuff absolutely jammed in the grooves, it’s still there, won’t come out, stuff happens, I would be so happy if it was only a fingerprint.  TDS much?
I just had the same thing happen. I ordered the "One Step" copy of Yes - Fragile. Disc 2 had a full thumbprint on one side and 4 full fingerprints on the other !! I have contacted MoFi and expressed my displeasure, and of yet have not had any response. Now to those who say a fingerprint is no big deal, well it is. When you consider that after shipping, taxes, border fees, etc, It cost me over 200 Canadian dollars (about 50 cents American after exchange) So for this kind of $$ I expect a more professional attitude in care/handling. I have an excellent RCM and as a matter of habit clean all LP's before play, but that's not the point is it. I should expect a manufacturer of a "high end product" to operate at a significantly higher standard.
@crazyeddy   My point exactly.  Thanks for reaffirming.  I expect more than what I got for the money.  And, I never have these issues with Quality Record Pressings.  Watch the video a  You'll see that they wear gloves when then inspect the LPs, and put them into the record sleeves.  This is what I expect when I spend $50 on an LP.
95% of the people who knew how to make great LP's are deceased as is the machinery to make them .
I never even got a fingerprint on any of the albums I never paid for from Columbia House in the 80's. lol