Moon 390 Network Streamer

Still evaluating numerous DAC/Streamers and had the opportunity to listen to Moon 390 Network Streamer. Any thoughts on Moon products in general and the 390?

Recommendations are greatly appreciated.



Is SIM Audio and Moon going to be in business much longer?  Seems like I read a few months back that they were biting the dust.  A Trump tariff won’t help their bottom line.

  Lots of great streamers out there.  I would buy one from a company that will be around for a while

I’ve heard nothing about Sim struggling. They came out with the North line which appears to be doing well. Many dealers - lots of support. Great warranty, reliable build quality  It seems to me that they’re more likely to be around longer than the vast majority of companies.

Yes - tariffs are and poor economic policy that willl hurt all consumers universally (I’m a finance/economics person) by triggering price inflation. That will spill through for domestically manufactured (assembled) products.

I heard the 390 several years ago and came away thinking it very nice and functional for the price. Fairly detailed - a touch bright at output. Their software is different but competitive. There are others to consider that will offer a different flavor, but I think most would be pleased with the price/performance.

I have one. It’s very good. Previously I used an ARC SP8. (I know!)

I find the sound very detailed and clear, but in general, talking about the way something sounds is very difficult for me.

The 390 is very well built and I’ve had no trouble. The MIND android app a little fussy. (BlueSound has nailed the app, imho.) I listen to cds on my nas, downloads and vinyl.

And I agree with Absolute Sound: the headphone amp is excellent.

I hope you get a chance to hear one. And I haven’t heard anything about Sim being in trouble, any more than, say, GM.

Good luck!

Oh, I did have one issue: The remote started to come unglued, I sent them a photo, they sent me a new one.