More Power or use subwoofer to boost bass for music

Hi,   just want to know if anyone can offer their opinions on how to boost the bass when listening to 2 channel music.

I just got a pair of B&W 804 D3 and would like to get more bass out of the speakers.   I remember the bass was pretty punchy when I heard it in the dealer showroom, but I don't seem to get that in my setup.   I currently have Parasound A31 power amp with 250 watts per channel.

So the question is whether I should get a more power amp, or add subwoofer to my 2 channel music.  I'm a little bit of a purist and would prefer not to use a subwoofer for music, but I'm open to this option.

I would definitely appreciate if anyone can share their experience/opinion.   Thanks very much.
But since statistics is science, let’s consider the “odds “ of getting 4  or as some would say 5 objects placed in a convenient location vs. one....

Of course, the science shows that multiple subs don't have to be placed perfectly for them to do the job much better...
Are any of you listening to yourselves?? Really??
Yes, we non-cult-DBA-knowers are- however you might want to take a dive into the research. Put another way, you know how you are sounding right now??
Start with 1 sub: 2 would be better: REL, Martin-Logan or JL would be great options. Doing a more powerful amp may lead to frustration. The subs will give you more flexibility and adjustments to compensate for room variations.
Ralph :

 I have nothing against 4 subs. They are technically a good idea.

What I have a problem with is the cult that they are the one thing that should be discussed when a poster asks for help with a little more bass.

That is the cult. 

It's like some one who won't go to the store to buy a bag of rice because all they have is a Mercedes and the Ferrari is in the shop.