Morrow Audio re-design announcement: No more Ag coated Cu; Increased numbers of runs.

Just got a notice in my Email about this. Seems like the new design went into production in June. It does have me scratching my head a bit. I’m wondering if any Morrow Audio cable users (old or new design) have comments. The link will take you to the announcement that provides details on the new cable design including instructions for determining whether someone has received old or new design cables.

I am blown away that Morrow is walking away from their silver coated copper cables which he said were the best.   Now he states the all his all copper cables are better.  
Copper typically sounds better than a coated version especially if the silver is electro-plated/coated onto the copper which is inferior verses combining both materials in the melting process; a much costly process but would yield a better sounding product.

@fivechannelguy (and for @addyson815 ) - 

That's one of the things got me scratching my head; i.e., the move away from silver coated copper which I always thought was a key contributor to MA cable's "sound".  I'm also wondering about the quality of copper being used, not to mention economic drivers related to the re-design.


I've got the new SP4 speaker cables and love them. Don't know what the old SP4s sounded like but instead of just talking about it why not try them. If you don't like what you hear get a full refund.

In addition to the issues you bring up, there is another I have been wondering about. 

If you look at the speaker cable old and new wire count for one channel (i.e. 1152, 1728 and so on), at what point would one thousand + solid core wires become a stranded wire - unless it is litz?

The above aside, it would be good to hear how the newer version sounds.