Morrow MA4 Vs JPS SC3?

What are the benefits of the Morrow cable verses JPS SC3?
I have two pair of the MA2's and I love them. Currently on a CDP and a phono preamp.
I tried the MA3's and MA4's, but had less success. Poor match with my system I guess, but very different sounding from the MA2's.
I also have a pair of JPS SC3's. I've used them on a CDP and on my musical fidelity dac. They are very accurate sounding, but with good tonal color and good bass. They are different than any other of my cables in how relaxed the presentation is.
I would pick the SC3 based on my experience, though the Morrows may have a bit more dynamic snap.
Ssglx - your ears agree with mine there's something special about those MA2's!Really good mids.
The Morrow's are phenominal cables, so much that I decided to upgrade to the MA6 and SP6. The clarity of these cables are outstanding, making all others sound grainy and etched.

My soundstage is deeper, wider with better contrasting cues that I've heard with other cables plus they just sound more organic and natural in my system.
The Morrow MA6 and JPS SC3 IC's are far behind the Gabriel Gold Reflection ic's. I would be seriously looking into KCI silkworms, Jade Audio Hybrids or the Gabriel Gold Reflection cable if anyone is considering spending a decent amount on IC's. Silver plated solid core copper can only do so much. They have clarity but at the same time have a midrange energy that masks other frequencies. The highs are nowhere near the extnesion and refinement of the Gabriel Cable and the mids of the Garbriel Reflection are in the likes of a 300b tube which are lush, clear and silky. I would not put the Morrow midrange in this category.
I got caught up in the trade up program and really should have stayed with the MA3 or MA4. I think it would be best to try some of these other cables as well instead of just jumping up to the top of the Morrow ladder. As far as speaker cables go the Clear Day double shotguns are an extremely better value than the top of the line Morrow's.