Most harsh/shrill sounding speakers (vintage)

Aside from the Yamaha NS-10M Studio Monitor, what are the worst sounding speakers that can make your ears bleed and provoke listening fatigue instantly even at a reasonably low volume. Speakers that are too bright, too snappy, too "honest", y'know, speakers that just sound like crap. The worst sounding speakers ever, if there is anything worst than the Yamaha NS-10. 
I got the speakers I have now, which blew me away in the store.  I took them home, purchased a new Adcom amp and pre to go with them, and it was absolutely the worst sound I have ever experienced (great detail, but so harsh certain types of music were unlistenable)--took them back, found I couldn't live without them, went back and re-bought them, figuring I'd find a way to tweak or live with the sound--after a couple of years, I bought a cheap tube amp on a whim.  Those speakers went from the the worst to fantastic and I haven't touched that system in more than 25 years.   I have no doubt that the tube amp 'degrades' the signal; but whatever it does, my ears are grateful.