Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment.

Why?  Because acoustical treatments presented are in virtually empty rooms. Unrealistic.

my rooms have furniture and clutter.  These rooms don’t really have a need for treatment.  It’s snake oil, voodoo science.  
So why is accoustical panels gonna help?  No one can answer this, most have no clue.
Millercarbon- What does “As soon as we move from the
hypothetical home of the scoundrel to the particular home of the individual then acoustic treatment can suddenly matter a lot.”

On what planet do you exist? Why was it important to include the word “scoundrel”? Are you trying to come off as some kind of “Audio Sage”

You hit the nail on the head with this one. MC does think he is an "Audio Sage". As a matter of fact he’s a blowhard know-it-all.He relishes putting people down with sarcasm. And, if you watch, almost every new thread he is one of the first responders. So full of it. He doesn’t have a life or really listen to music, he just spends all of his time posting here.
Helmholtz resonators aren't something you can just add to a room willy billy, they are very hard to get right even with proper measurements.
All rooms need acoustic treatment . Trick is not to over damp the room.  Even furniture and household objects scattered in a room is acoustic treatment 
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Helmholtz resonators aren’t something you can just add to a room willy billy, they are very hard to get right even with proper measurements.

FIRST, i never "add willy,billy" it is a process in the course of many weeks of listenings and adjusting volumes and neck...

SECOND Throwing the baby with the bath waters is not a very good idea, nor a valid argument...

What are the polluted waters?

It is the fact which is right that my tuning of my 21 Helmholtz tubes and pipes cannot be "mathematically perfect" and corresponding perfectly to the geometry, topology and content of the room, being set by my ears...

But the tubes and pipes are set also to correspond to the specific structure of my ears by feed back successive refinements....This is an advantage that compensate the imperfect mathematical tuning of the Helmholtz tubes and pipes by ears and listenings experiments instead of a complex processed mathematical tuning only with the room parameters and some tested frequencies corresponding to a very precise location each time only...

This is one thing....But what is the baby?

The HUGE improvement, in imaging, soundstage, and timbre perception, in spite of the absence of perfection, is the BABY.... why do you recommend me to throw it with the waters? I will replace it with what ? An equalizer?

Read about the limit of electronic equalization, about the cost of a good equalizer, and after that think again and put in your pipe the important fact that my homemade Helmholtz tubes and pipes COST ME NOTHING.... They are made with discarded tubes, pipes, or straws of various volumes and diameters...
Add to this fact that Helmholtz tubes can correct bass in the room on a level which equalization cannot do because equalization work on the gear electronics not directly on the room pressures zones....

Then when you put an argument think about the premises you will use...

«Your result is imperfect, only perfection is aceptable, then your result are bulshitt....»

Guess what is wrong with your reasoning any logician could call a "sophism" ?

Your relative mathematical perfection in relation  simultaneously to some specfic ears and to some specific room dont exist to begins with, then it is stupid to reject my relatively imperfect reasult on this basis....

Then, try to think with all factors in balance and without vicious circle....

Thinking like walking or  tuning a room is something we must learn...Opinions dont replace thinking except in the "sunday skeptic boy club" and many others clubs....

I figure myself in no club....