Most underrated composer of 20th Century?

My choice is Bohuslav Martinu .
Rite OF spring rules.

Carmina Burana as well.

Two of the more interesting classical works out there IMHO.

Rock on!
I think Stravinsky's "L'Histoire du Soldat" is absolutely brilliant. Only a first-rate composer could produce such a work IMO.
Learsfool: I'm curious whether you include John Adams as a minimalist. I completely agree with you about Glass, but think Adams is terrific, and prefer his music to Reich's. Nixon in China is in particular a masterpiece. Nixon the man will be known centuries from now more as the title character from the opera than as a historical crook statesman. Assuming, that is, that culture survives that long, of which I am not optimistic.

And Stravinsky is definitely not overrated. Nor is Schubert the composer. But Schubert the OP?
Tosta, I love " L'histoire du soldat" as well, have seen it live several times.
My point is Stravinsky is at the top of every top ten list of century and I think there are others better, no question he is talented.
i.e I think Bartok Quartets alone put him higher.