Most underrated composer of 20th Century?

My choice is Bohuslav Martinu .
I would have thought it bombastic, if this was about overated Stravinsky would be on my short list.

Not terribly surprising. Your list of overrated music would likely be far more interesting to me than your list of underrated music. But personal preferences differ, I guess, and thus the world continues to go 'round.
Rite OF spring rules.

Carmina Burana as well.

Two of the more interesting classical works out there IMHO.

Rock on!
I think Stravinsky's "L'Histoire du Soldat" is absolutely brilliant. Only a first-rate composer could produce such a work IMO.
Learsfool: I'm curious whether you include John Adams as a minimalist. I completely agree with you about Glass, but think Adams is terrific, and prefer his music to Reich's. Nixon in China is in particular a masterpiece. Nixon the man will be known centuries from now more as the title character from the opera than as a historical crook statesman. Assuming, that is, that culture survives that long, of which I am not optimistic.

And Stravinsky is definitely not overrated. Nor is Schubert the composer. But Schubert the OP?