Most underrated composer of 20th Century?

My choice is Bohuslav Martinu .
Speaking of jazz, Rok and Frogman, why have there suddenly been no new posts on that thread?

As for the English critic's comment, that to me doesn't even deserve a response, really. The very idea that Stravinsky "really doesn't have much to say" is of course sheer nonsense, both intellectually and musically. I would say it belongs in Nicholas Slonimsky's famous book of musical invective, except it's not really invective, just sheer ignorance. It certainly should have revoked his credentials to be a serious music critic, that's for sure.
Just because a particular composer doesn't "speak to me" does not mean he "doesn't have much to say." It would be unfair for me to presume that I understand all that a composer is trying to express and what I got out of that particular composer amounts to "not much."
Thanks for chiming in on that bit of critical "flat earth thinking" regarding Stravinsky Learsfool. To suggest Stravinsky lacks a place among the highest echelon of composers leaves me flabbergasted. Send me to the proverbial desert island, give me daily does of Bach and Stravinsky, and I would suffer little.
I don't know how much thinking has to do with it, seems to me its like women, you like what you like and thats an end to it.

I'll toss this one up to dispute the proposition that no rock musician/composer can be a genius.

Ammonia Avenue.

Shows that take the rock/pop veneer off of certain compositions and perhaps even many of the great classical composers over the years might be proud, especially when crosses over into progressive/art rock territory.