Moving to France

We are planning a move to France fairly soon. Does anyone know the best way to cleanly transform the 240v european voltage down to 117 without a bunch of hum?


841 posts
The OP posts a question about voltage, and some with no answer to the question simply take it as an opportunity to denigrate the country or people.
They need to think hard about who they are and why they choose to act that way. They demean themselves.

The OP is going to possibly the world's densest concentration of human cultural achievement, and one person sees only foulness due to his personal lens. He's to be pitied. Imagine his life.
I lived 3 years in mid-France with an Oracle Delphi. I ran all the front end components off a smaller transformer wired through a US power strip using the US power cords. Be sure to buy a $6 test plug to verify you have plugged in the transformer into the 220v to get the right response on the 115V tester, and mark it so it is plugged in correctly to the 220 v outlet each time. I bought industrial transformers from my company's "matierels usees". I used a bigger transformer for my amp, but I encourage you again to contact the manufacturers to see if a local tech can modify the primary transformer connections.

Hilde, you wrote, "They need to think hard about who they are and why they choose to act that way. They demean themselves."

I wonder about "demean themselves" - as Bob Dylan said - "never tumbles, got no place to fall."