I should add that I do not yet have the DA-005 and so don't know if the Audirvana software will alter the default settings/choices when it sees the new DAC. I'll let you know how I set mine up and if I get volume pops.
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
In my setup I don’t have DoP 1.1 so I choose DoP 1.0 (my audirvana is old 1.5.x and my mac for audio is an old mini 09 running snow leopard). I upsample pcm only by 2^x factors. (My audirvana seems to recognize the dac’s max sample rate as 768k, I don’t know why, maybe because the former dac’s max was 768k? So I use the custom upsample rates option.) When I used ADI-2 pro I prefered converting to pcm and using audirvana(izotope)’s software volume than feeding dsd to dac via DoP (I think that was because ADI-2 pro itself converted DSD to pcm internally). And at that time I prefered 0db boost and turning up the main volume. But that’s another story... I'll wait for your impression and operation result, thank you! @bill_k You’re right. The problem comes from that I prefer izotope’s noise shaped volume over 005’s internal volume for pcm, while I prefer 005’s native dsd (DoP for mac) playing over converting to pcm regarding dsd. Analog volume control might be the solution... |
I received my Musetec DA-005 today less than 2 weeks from ordering and installation was straightforward. I changed my Audirvana settings to straight PCM with no upsampling and listened via usb from a MacBook Pro running Audirvana Plus and optical from a Meridian CD player. Obviously the new DAC has a ways to go but I am hearing more precise localization of instruments, wider soundstage, more realistic sounding - less hifi, great bottom end, yet still some fuzziness in the upper frequencies which was expected in the first few hours of burn in. I suspect this DAC will really open up when fully burned in. In many ways it already exceeds my expectations. I look forward to playing around with the settings. |
I bet the 005 is sound sublime now that you must have put more hours on it. I presume the common DAC that you're referring to is the Audio Mirror Tubadour III, right? Well, my reference DAC as of now, believe it or not, is the Luxman DA-06. This DAC has proved to be quite a bit better than the AMT and a few other sub-2K dacs that I have tried in the last 18 months. I can't believe this is an 8 year-old design! However, your impressions of the 005 are super helpful. I know you have tried a bunch of DACs in the past, so the high praise from you is duly noted. I am going to order the 005 next month. If it proves to be better than the Luxman, I will keep it. Otherwise, I will avail the 30 day return policy. The other contenders on my list include Denafrips Terminator 2 and Holo Audio May. I've always had an affinity for the R2R sound. I wish there was a way to audition them without having to buy them first, but that's simply not possible nowadays. |
@arafiq I had a few hours on the previous top of the line Luxman CD/SACD/DAC player. The new one is $16K and one I heard on an all Luxman stack was around $8K. Since that all Luxman stack sounded so good I was considering the DA-06 DAC when I was looking at the AMT. The 005 is not overly warm, less so than the AMT and the Gustard X26 Pro I have owned. An interesting effect of the 005 on my system is that I am listening to music that I in the past I was not all that crazy about. I am finding I like a lot music that I may have passed over in the past. I am going to be able to listen to the 005 with a Class A (tube like) KRELL XD amp in a few weeks. That likely will be great with my RAAL SR1a headphones, the intended purpose. The AMT was very good with the KRELL K-300i integrated and the RAAL SR1a, though a bit warmer than my ideal preference. The 005 should just be right. BTW - did you read the thread comparing the Halo May KTE and the 005. One of the best reviews I have read. |