Music and politics

A post yesterday about U2 prompted me to listen to them today. And one comment from yesterday got me to thinking. The author wrote dismissively that they should "keep their politics to themselves." (Those may or may not have been the exact words, but that gets to the point.) As I've been listening this afternoon, I've thought: I'm neither a born-again Christian nor a political leftie, but I do love this band. And then I thought further: If I listened only to bands or singer-songwriters whose politics were like mine, I surely wouldn't spin a whole lot of recordings. (For the record, I consider myself a radically pragmatic centrist with occasional libertarian leanings. Got any bands who'd fill that bill?) I care about the music, and not about what the people making that music happen to believe. Am I alone in this? Do others dismiss certain artists because of their politics -- or religion or the kind of car they drive or whatever else?

There is a photo on the cover on the new Woodie Guthrie box set that shows him in a coffee shop with a sticker on his guitar that says "This guitar kills facists".

I totally disagree that the audience should dictate the terms that an artist follows. You have it all wrong, IMHO.
What makes this country great is free expression in open forums. You are there to see the artist, and their thoughts are just as important as their music. What holds true for Woodie in 1930s, holds true today.

It will never be only about the music. If you believe that, listen to instrumental bands. If this upsets you: quit going to see politically-minded bands. That is your freedom of choice.
Rock Musicians are in most cases under-educated, over confindent idiot liberals.

Country Musicians are in most cases under-educated, over confident idoit conservatives.

I think I am going to stick to instrumental Jazz and Classical. At least in those instances when I don't agree with one side or the other, I think they have had enough education and real world experience to make a logical arguement.
I find musicians, on the whole, are bright, talented and hard working (all genres). I respect that they can have political opinions too and have something to say.
Bongofury, I think it is you who has it all wrong.
I really do not care about the performers personal point of view. If that viewpoint is in a song that I like then he can express it to me that way.

I say give all people a freedom of choice.
A choice to listen to the Artists blabber or not.

Why would you object to the Artist presenting his personal viewpoints at the end of the concert?
I dont care about politics, the music is the only way to make me forget about politics. I rather listen relax and enjoy music.