Music for Riding a Storm Out?

bout to sit down to 48rs in the house, located in west houston.

unfortunately i keep thinking of REO Speedwagon "Ridinng the Storm Out", but God they suck.

Maybe some Doors, good mood music. Once it passes, I'll probaby put on some mid 60 beatles. Anything I should consider?

(got ray charles on for now, probably go to something else now that a purty day is starting to get ugly)

>Rhyno take it easy :) and Steve Ray is always good. also - new Moby album, with a bonus cd - ambient music, it can put one to sleep :)
take care there
regards form poland

Thoughts are with you ... it looks like the storm will hit NE of you. Kudos to your wife.

As one who lived for three years on a barrier island (Siesta Key) of Sarasota, FL and was evacuated three times, I totally understand. I bookmarked the NOAA site and followed it excruciatingly closely each June through November.

Life goes on ... or not. You make your decisions based upon the best possible information, yet things (especially storms that take a right turn at the last minute) are unpredictable. Yet, it is YOUR life and YOUR decision.

As one who owned a pet (and was told I could not take him to a shelter), my judgement was always clouded by the commitment that I made the day that we adopted him from the Animal Rescue League in Chicago ... he was a inextricable member of our family. If I go, he goes ... if he cannot go, I do not go.

Pick your favorite music ... that which makes you both feel the best ... and enjoy! Best be with you.
Like a Hurricane by Neil Young sounds about right. How about Who'll stop the rain by CCR.
Be safe Rhyno. I will take care of your old Entec subwoofers up here ... (:->)