Musical Fidelity A1 I

What is cost to have repair center recap and replace volume knob on an A1 amp? And what is a fair price in that amp? The volume knob is missing and much of the lettering near the control knobs has worn off. Should I maybe look for a newer model with less wear? I need an amp $500 - $1000 used or new for Triangle Altea ESW speakers and Oppo 105. I want to make the right purchase so Triangle's sound good. Thanks! P.S. I know squat when it comes to hifi gear, systems, etc. Do I need additional gear to play my CDs and SACDs? 
I sent an MF 'The Preamp' back to MF to replace the noisy volume pot and it came back the same.  Many years ago.  I gave up and moved to Audio Research who build stuff properly.
I had a M2si here last summer,  I thought it was a sweet little integrated at that price. At the time I was looking for a relatively low powered solid state amp to replace tube amps for summer listening, looking for low heat output. I generally used it only as amp, bypassing with my Coincident Statement linestage powering Klipschorns. Also used it full function powering Merlin VSM-MM, about same 91-92db efficiency as your Triangles, no problem driving those.

I'd expect M2si to be sweet match with your Triangles.  To reiterate, I was very surprised by this integrated, I'm used to running $5-10k tube amps with my Klipschorns, I didn't feel deprived running M2si. Ultimately, I did sell to a guy running Maggies, very difficult load. I mentioned possible issues with this, and asked him to notify me if he had any difficulties. I assume he was ok, never heard back. He did mention he only listened at moderate volumes. I'd also add I modify much equipment, very impressed with build quality, especially at $1k price.
Good info. In one YouTube review, a gentleman said the M2si is tweeked toward the treble but itvis not a harsh treble. More designed to bring out detail in that range. I may give this amp a go.

Anyone know if SACDs sound good enough on an Oppo 105 SABRE dac. Im confused if they run through a dac o not and if I will need a stand alone dac to get the best sound from them. Seems like my bluray movies sound better than the SACDs and my SACDs are good recordings. Thank you all.