Musical Fidelity A1 I

What is cost to have repair center recap and replace volume knob on an A1 amp? And what is a fair price in that amp? The volume knob is missing and much of the lettering near the control knobs has worn off. Should I maybe look for a newer model with less wear? I need an amp $500 - $1000 used or new for Triangle Altea ESW speakers and Oppo 105. I want to make the right purchase so Triangle's sound good. Thanks! P.S. I know squat when it comes to hifi gear, systems, etc. Do I need additional gear to play my CDs and SACDs? 
"...Thanks Russ. The M2si is $1000 new vs M3si at $1500. Same watt amp minus the phono and dac. What advantage is there with the M3si? Would the dac better than the Oppo Sabre dac? Much appreciated! BTW what Triangle speakers do you have?..."

The M3si is not the same as the M2si. I don’t use the phono or the DAC so I’m no help there. The M3si is my cheapest recommendation and I would prefer you to get the M5si, it will drive anything you throw at it. I had Triangle Celius 202s (a beautiful all veneer pair) and currently have Antal Esprits (Sam Tellig told me I would like them but the Celius were better). 
I sent an MF 'The Preamp' back to MF to replace the noisy volume pot and it came back the same.  Many years ago.  I gave up and moved to Audio Research who build stuff properly.
I had a M2si here last summer,  I thought it was a sweet little integrated at that price. At the time I was looking for a relatively low powered solid state amp to replace tube amps for summer listening, looking for low heat output. I generally used it only as amp, bypassing with my Coincident Statement linestage powering Klipschorns. Also used it full function powering Merlin VSM-MM, about same 91-92db efficiency as your Triangles, no problem driving those.

I'd expect M2si to be sweet match with your Triangles.  To reiterate, I was very surprised by this integrated, I'm used to running $5-10k tube amps with my Klipschorns, I didn't feel deprived running M2si. Ultimately, I did sell to a guy running Maggies, very difficult load. I mentioned possible issues with this, and asked him to notify me if he had any difficulties. I assume he was ok, never heard back. He did mention he only listened at moderate volumes. I'd also add I modify much equipment, very impressed with build quality, especially at $1k price.
Good info. In one YouTube review, a gentleman said the M2si is tweeked toward the treble but itvis not a harsh treble. More designed to bring out detail in that range. I may give this amp a go.

Anyone know if SACDs sound good enough on an Oppo 105 SABRE dac. Im confused if they run through a dac o not and if I will need a stand alone dac to get the best sound from them. Seems like my bluray movies sound better than the SACDs and my SACDs are good recordings. Thank you all.