My beloved CDP finally bit the dust

Time for a  new front end.The laser and transport mechanism was designed as an entire unit,easily replaceable in my Vincent S6.Except the unit is no longer available.I've enjoyed it for the past nine years and I will miss it terribly.
I've got a Cambridge CXC along with a Parasound Zdac v2 on the way as a replacement.I don't stream,just enjoy physical media for now.Both are returnable if one or both don't work out.I didn't want to spend $$$ an end up in the same situation a few years down the road.I could up the budget but I'm not sure it's necessary.I'm hoping for a similar smooth sound with detail that's not harsh.
So what do you guys and gals think?Am I on the right track?My other components are LTA MZ2,Aric Audio Transcend Push Pull amp,Tekton Impact Monitors,four subs.Blues and rock,acoustic and electric is my preference for music.Any suggestions for 'plan B' components are welcome.
An excellent sounding one box solution is the Sparkler Audio S503 Spiral CD player. I’ve had mine for about 6 months and love how natural it sounds. Sparkler is a company formed by the top engineer for 47 Labs. The great Phillips TDA 1543 NOS 16 bit dac chip is used. A minimalist approach that delivers the heart of the music. Check it out...
The Sparkler looks pretty cool,thanks for the link.
I went with a Furutech digital cable reasoning it would get the signal from the transport to the dac cleanly without a 'flavor'.It definitely got rid of the digital glare.After changing some tubes around and trying several isolation tweaks the little Parasound dac sounds very very good with simple music.It can't handle massed instruments or even vocals.Then it becomes a congested mess.But it really sounds fantastic with one or two vocalists and two or three acoustic or electric instruments.Beautiful timbre,micro and macro detail,etc.If that's the only type of music I listened to I would be thrilled with this little dac.
I've enjoyed playing around with it but it's not the one for me.Next up is going to be a Tubadour lll.I'm waiting for Vlad to get back with me about upgrade pricing.
The Audio Mirror Tubadour arrived today.It's only been playing for a couple of hours.What can I say except I'm extremely happy with it.Warm,organic,but so much detail.My favorite music all sounds like new and better versions.
Congrats on your purchase! I likely will also purchase the Tubadour. Did you buy the basic model or upgraded one? 
I got the upgraded caps,an extra $500.It took exactly two weeks from ordering to delivery day.Right now as it's breaking in the presentation is 'dense and tubey' if that makes sense.At the same time there is plenty of detail and nuance.One song that stood out to me last night was Mistress of Storms -Bruce Cockburn guitar,Gary Burton vibraphone.The vibes sounded great on my Vincent CDP,but now I can almost see Gary playing back and forth on the keys.It became holographic.I could hear Bruce's fingers moving on the strings and hear the wood,sustains,damping.All of this while remaining warm and 'dense'.I think break in will be a pleasant experience rather than 'OMG what have I done '.Enough fan boy blathering:-)I'll add more to this thread as things evolve for anyone interested.