NAD vs. Cambridge Audio

I've been researching an integrated amp for my Studio-20s and am thinking NAD or Cambridge Audio. I like the CA 650A but the NAD C355bee
has gotten very good press too. I am looking for something in the 60-90w/ch range.
How does NAD and CA compare in terms of sound quality?
Build quality, reliability?
I like the look and layout of the CA but NAD has a good rep. Sound quality will be priority.

This is for stereo, music only.

fwiw I have read the Cambridge amps are slightly forward in the mid to upper region...
NAD, hands down. The Cambridge models I've heard have a certain annoying shrillness to them.

The Rega Apollo might also be worth hearing although it might be 2-300 dollars more.

You won't go wrong with the top of the line NAD models.
i've owned the 50w nad c355 and the 80w model (i believe the c372) and prefer the cambridge. while the nads have undeniable virtues--great energy and oomph--to my ears they have certain unnatural grain at the top end and lack the transparency and detail i sought. i personally have not had good luck with nad's quality--most of the nad components i've owned have had problems, their amps less so than their sources. no to complicate your decision, but my first choice in the class you're considering would be arcam alpha or diva.
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