Near Field listening

Looking for suggestions and thoughts for the purchase of a pair of monitors for a small room. Associated equiptment will be a Music Reference RM10 mkll and a RM4 phono stage and a tt. I have owned the Linn Tukans and liked them fine and that is all the experience I have with monitors. I listen to a lot of Jazz and singer songwriter type music.
I use Von Schweikert VR-1s in a small library and even have them on the bookcase (I know, I know). The soundstage is tall and wide and the instruments seem precisely placed on the stage. Wonderful midrange and bass to 50 Hz. I also use a small REL sub to go below that. Its a great combination. And, affordable.
I've used KEF Uni-Q's as studio nearfield monitors for many years. The old UK made Q10 is just a great and inexpensive (especially used) little speaker that is perfect for nearfield...front port and all...the ref series small uni-Q is cool too...a friend (for his studio) found a mint pair someplace for under $200. The concentric thing is great for nearfield.
Hi, not exactly monitors but I can recommend Audio Physic
Virgo II or the Caldera. Both are made for the near field
listening. If you live in Europe check ; the prices
are ubelievable (+/-1400E VirgoII; +/-4000E Caldera).

LS-3 5A ----- find them used made by Kef, Spendor, Rogers, etc. There is simply no better studio monitor for near field listening on the Planet.
The 3/5A is usually 15 or 16 ohms (an extremely inefficient design), very limited in its low end response, and, although well regarded by many pipe smoking tweed jacket wearing anachronists (is that a word?) may be the most overhyped/overpriced speaker in the history of audio. I have never seen them in a modern U.S. recording studio. I like 'em though...they're cute. A decade or so ago a friend brought a pair of Rogers LS3/5A's over to my studio and I did an A/B comparison to my relatively el-cheapo KEF Q10s...we both agreed the KEFs, once both speakers were adjusted with a meter to the same sound level, were FAR better in every way...disclaimer: we were not smoking pipes in leather chesterfield wing chairs in a library...we weren't smoking anything. I have since heard 3/5As sound great with very high end electronics, but I think there are sounds under 85hz that deserve to be heard.