Need a good Nerd Opinion - Biwire Best Value

Hey guys,

I am by no means an audiophile, but I'm also not a novice. I've recently settled on a new reciever (Arcam AVR400 or 450), to replace my current setup, and will probably be upgrading to KEF R300's. Not the most elaborate system in the world, but much better than most. That said, I am having a hard time figuring out the cabling situation. I've decided to biamp my front mains, but am not sure what biwire solution offers the most value. To complicate things, one run will be 3x's the length as the other. Any suggestions on a brand and/or configuration I should look in to? I am not spending $500 on cables. I just can't bring myself to do it. Since you guys are the experts, I figured you might know about some hidden gems that are at a good price point, and offer better than average performance.

Not an expert. But you should look into Signal Cable. They should be within your budget.
Another to consider (at least visit the website) is Anti-Cables. Paul claims different lengths will not matter with his cable.
If your speakers have only 2 sets of binding posts, then you won't be able to biwire, so there's nothing to worry about.
I will second the Speltz Anticables. I had a few differently configured pairs such as 8 footers, and the last times 11 ft. with an 18 ft. Could tell no difference in sound from the 8's. Was no perceivable difference left and right with the two runs 7 ft. different in length. This is with a very resolving system using ribbon mids and tweeter. Until I spend big money (well over $1000), I could find no cable that sounded as good in my system either. Very open, clear, and dynamic cable for the money and well beyond.