ATC is very revealing and inefficient from what I've heard. My current class d sounds absolutely great in 2 out of 3 of my speakers. My current mains which are very revealing and also happen to be the least efficient not as much. AB much better..
Also was running a Lyngdorf TDIA 2170 last year which I hold in high esteem as far as class d amps go. Sounded phenominal with efficient speakers. 4 ohm low efficiency not so much. Ymmv.
Had a Wyred dac one time but never one of their amps.
Also was running a Lyngdorf TDIA 2170 last year which I hold in high esteem as far as class d amps go. Sounded phenominal with efficient speakers. 4 ohm low efficiency not so much. Ymmv.
Had a Wyred dac one time but never one of their amps.