Haven't made any attempt to integrate the stereo with the computer. Yep, must be old school like that and so yes, fuzztone, I am stuck in the 20th century. What of it?
Need decent mini-tuner in silver better than Cyrus FM X
Going with silver mini components in a custom-built rack. I have a Cyrus FM X, which sounds decent with a good signal, but is pure crap when it comes to picking up anything but the strongest stations. I have a couple Revox B261 tuners already but can't fit and don't want these behemoths in the mini-rack. I think the Revox sound very good and are quite adept at picking up distant and or/weak stations with a minimal antenna (renter so limited in this regard). I see very few stateside tuners of the mini-variety in silver but have found several in Europe. Anyone have experience with the Onkyo T411 LTD or Denon UTU F88? I've seen a few Aiwa's and TEAC's that also fit the bill but none are mentioned on fmtunerinfo.com so looking for advice here. Other tuners welcome. Thanks
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