Need Help- Bel Canto 2.7 or Chord Hugo 2 for Desktop setup

Hi everyone, just need some opinions (don’t hold back) on which DAC you think will serve up a warmer but detailed sound. I had decided on the BC 2.7 due to all the positive feedback and ability to get a demo for a decent price. But then I auditioned the Chord Hugo 2 at a local dealer and fell in love with the form factor of it for my use case, which is mostly low-level listening in a desk top set up. My speakers are Dynaudio Lyd 5s (active) and my source is typically Tidal.

When I listened to the Chord I was impressed by the detail and mid range of the unit but there was some glare, which I attributed to not being set up correctly and the speakers (revel). I am thinking my Dyns would smooth that out considerably- feel free to insert your opinion on that. I do not "need" portability, or a headphone amp, those are just nice to haves. What I do need is volume control, and a DAC, and eventually the ability to stream. Again, the Hugo2 has a nice add on box in the 2go unit for the future.

I was just interested to see if any of you folks have listened to these units and if you had an opinion on what direction you would go with. I think they are both great sounding units, my only concern with the Hugo 2 is the sound was a little forward and I lean to towards a warmer silkier type of sound. I was thinking i could acheive it through adjustment of the unit in setting and my speakers, possibly cables as well. Any opinions appreciated!!!


Dynaudio Lyd 5 Active Studio monitor
Macbook pro direct from USB to DAC
Mostly Nordost Cables leftover from an old system
Thank you for the reply...I am listening to the BC as I type this, came today and I am about 30 minutes in. Neither the speakers or DAC are even close to burned in, so I am reserving overall judgement. With that said, first impressions of the BC, VERY musical and smooth, easy to listen to so far, compliment Dyns nicely. Nothing overpowering anything else in the transients, just clear and balanced, likely not going to be fatiguing at all. Has a slightly slower sound, not molasses like McIntosh, but slower with jumpy dynamics. Nice warmth to it, almost like my old VTL stuff..Impressed.

I agree with what you said, which is what brought me to the forum. Issue is, not easy for me to do an in home audition with both. I may have to just buy the Chord and rely on a solid return policy. Drive myself crazy with an A/B test and see what is best for my ear!

I agree on the streamer as well, already looking at them. Chord makes that easy due to the size, and I do have space constraints with this being desktop. BC makes a nice streamer too, that will not however fit on my desk set up so I have give this some thought. It's part of why, again, I am attracted to the Hugo 2. But, I will say it's all about sound and music at the end of the day. 
I eventually went from a MacBook Pro running Audirvana to the Bel Canto eOne Stream feeding a W4S DAC and couldn’t be happier.
I didn't say I liked it enough to decide. If you read what I said above I mentioned it sounded a little forward. I need to listen to it in my own system.