Need help on a new CD/SACD player

My Marantz SA15 died. The transport/laser part is unavailable. So I need a new unit. Considering the Arcam CDS50 or going with Cambridge CX transport and DAC. I am new to streaming so forgive the ignorance. 1200+ CDs so not ready to go full streaming but it might be a nice addition.

My system is all tube and I have a Michell Gyro dec for analog.

Any suggestions?
If SACD (and Blu Ray) was important-you said it wasn't, but if you have a change of heart--I would get a Sony Universal Player( generally $3-400) and consider adding a good DAC for around a $1000. If the DAC has a usb input, and you want to dip your toe into streaming, you can use a desktop or laptop ,as the streaming services all have apps that work with computers.  You can then add a dedicated streamer later if you wish
Oppo 105 with upgraded power supply section. I did this to mine. HUGE improvement.

You might find one already "hotroded", if not ebay sells the parts. It'd a fairly simple DIY. One of the providers includes lots of how to photos as a part of their listing

I had a first generation Cambridge Audio CXC transport. I used it with a Parasound Halo Integrated. I purchased it from Spearit Sound and the first two that were sent to me skipped something awful. The third one worked fine but I wasn’t that crazy about it. I don’t remember exactly but the display wouldn’t show either the total time, time left on each track or total time left. Not sure which one as it was back in 2016. I also thought the transport could be noisy at times.

The problems I had may be fixed on the newer generation. I will say it had a good build quality and was better than the cheap players a lot of people use with a DAC.
When my Marantz CD/SACD player went belly up after a couple of years (I can't remember exactly why but it was probably its SACD capability), I replaced it with a Sony XA5400ES. It's now several years on, and the Sony hasn't missed a beat.  And yes I like it a lot. It's taken me out of the market.