Need help with covering for Dueland speaker wire

I want to cable my Spatial Audio speakers with Dueland 16 ga. wire.  I have to run it under my house in a crawl space that is pretty wet a good portion of the year.  Regular PFTE-clad wire is no problem in the elements, but the Dueland cloth-covered wire will likely be a problem.  I am looking for some sort of weather-proof sheath for the Dueland cable that will negate the moisture problems of having to run the cable under the house.  Any recommendation would be appreciated.  Thanks, Whitestix
Thanks for the responses ... you wisely waved me off the idea as I am too inept/lazy to run the PVC under my house.  I failed to mention that I currently use Supra Ply 3.4 wire under the house and am going to stick with it.  I prefer the Ply 3.4 to my former Mogami 3403 wire by a fair margin.    
You might also look into Supra, that offers tin-coated copper wires in a variety of gauges and that come in a "heat and aging resistant PVC jacket."
mitch2 beat me to it. Supra is constructed in a similar way to what you want and is made for walls, under floors, etc. That, and I see you already use it and it does meet all the requirements you need, not to mention, all the codes.

All the best,
Thanks for contributing.  I thought the Supra wire I used under the house for my Spatial Audio speakers was a noticeable upgrade from the Mogami cable I had previously.  I replaced the same Mogami cable in my bedroom system with Western Electric 16ga wire and it was an delightful improvement.  I think the Ply 3.4 wire is pretty revealing relative to its cost so I am gonna forego the contemplated move.  Thanks to all for saving me some dough and some headaches.  Cheers, Mark