Need Opinions for Different Cable Manufacturers/Cable Designs

I have a McIntosh 200wpc receiver [MAC7200] and Focal Sopra 3 speakers - and am using low-grade cables. I'm looking to vastly improve my system with a complete cable upgrade. I like a warm sound with lots of clarity and detail and naturalness. I have been reviewing tons of literature and am intrigued by Cu/Ag and Cu/Ag/Au combinations. I will probably buy used, and look at offerings in the midrange to lower high-end range of products. Cannot afford the best each manufacturer has to offer. Looking to spend up to $2,000 for 3m speaker cables and up to $700 each for RCA and XLR cables. Again, I hope to buy used.


I am interested in opinions on the following manufacturers:






Please feel free to offer your opinions on these and any other recommendations you may have. I really appreciate your time and advice!! Thanks!


Tried many, best to buy used for value. I re-wired my system with AQ Water interconnects and they are very good, especially at the recent closeout pricing. Enjoying the Analysis Plus Big Silver Oval 9 bi-wire I recently got in.

Had the Oval 9s reterminated at the factory. These sound great with my Merrill Audio "Veritas" monos.

+1 Silversmith Fidelium speaker cables - a sonic bargain. I’d also wait for the Silversmith interconnects whenever they are released - best bang for buck sonics also.

As I write this, I just realized that Silversmith SC and IC may be my ideal choice for my flea watt tube audio chain I’m building on a tight budget. 


Again with the cable arguments, how fun those are (nope).

I've had good luck with smaller brands. Stuff like Audioquest and Kimber are fine, they make a good product but you sure pay for it. Brands I've enjoyed that are smaller seem to offer more for the money. Audio Art is a really good one, Triode Wire Lab as well. Lately I've been trying out Veritas Cables and been highly impressed with their stuff. 

I would only buy from a brand or dealer that allows pain free returns. Cables are too system and listener dependent to get stuck on something that you don't love and can't return. 

I would definitely add Silversmith Fidelium cables to your list of cables being considered.  I swapped out some very good Mogami speaker cables and replaced them with the Fidelium cables and the results were astounding. Better soundstage, improved definition, better tonal qualities of instruments improved bass.  Even my non-audiophile wife, who loves good music nonetheless, immediately noticed a radical improvement.  I also swapped out a set of Morrow Audio level 5 balanced cables for a set of balanced Fidelium interconnects and there was a noticeable improvement.  I contacts the designer/vendor of the Silversmith Fidelium cables, Jeffrey Smith, about buying a set of his cables for my two sub-woofers, and he said I would not notice much of a difference with the sub-woofers, a refreshing bit of frankness and honesty.  I am using the Fidelium speaker cables with my Fyne F-702 speakers, a Rogue Audio RP-7 tube preamp, and a pair of Odyssey Audio Kismet mono bloc amplifiers, all of with which I am extremely satisfied.