Need recommendation for amplifier

One of my NuForce monoblock amplifiers seems to be irreparable.  I need to get a new amplifier.
 I’m looking in the one to two thousand dollar range, new or used.
Any recommendations for a decent amplifier in that price category?
What’s really amazing is how delicate a balance there is in high-end HiFi that just switching a plug around can make such a marked difference.
Wait till you hear that Belles amp with its 100 K input Impedance easier drive.
 Wish you also could hear these new Belles Aria monoblocks
 Best JohnnyR

The Belles amp is arriving tomorrow, but the bad news is I am leaving on a 10 day trip the next day!  So, I’ll get only a few hours at best to hear it until I get back. The good news is I’ll have a couple of weeks to try it out.

I still have some problems with the Red Dragons.
They’ve gotten a lot better with time. But there’s something missing.
I really loved my NuForce monoblocks, and have decided to pay more to have them fixed properly.
Ultimately, It’ll be a choice between the Belles amp and the NuForce.  If the Belles sounds best I’ll keep it and hold on to the NuForce as back-up.