Need to clean some cds

I have a bunch of superficial scratches. They don't seem to make any errors in the music, but they look like shit. Is there a type of cloth I could use to make my cds look cleaner?

Need to clean some cds
I have a bunch of superficial scratches.
Polishing with very fine car polish (not wax) will get rid of them, don’t go around and around, go from center to edge.

And then Armourall (original) has also done good things to make them look cleaner for me in the past. (and can make some very light scratches seem to disappear.)

Cheers George
I use Meguiar's PlastX.
Running from the middle to the outside I polish like spokes on a wheel all the way around. Then I use the laptop to rip them to files, and play from files.
I absolutely the worse part of audio. Cleaning cds. Arrrgh, or however you say it.
Power tools, you need power tools my friend.
Seriously, doing anything to the CD's will only make them sound worse. Polishing one area will made the surface wavy- not a good thing. And any scratch removing polish will put in zillions of finer scratches.
You could try Novus #1 which puts a shine on CD's. Or Armor All. Just make sure you wipe off the excess so it doesn't spray around the inside of your CDP. Also clean the center ring area of the CD. I use saliva since it's plentiful and easily accessible. Otherwise the disc may slip due to the slippery surface oils and not drive correctly.
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Do you wipe from center to edge of each CD (or in circular motion as with vinyl record) when rubbing out scratches on a CD?
I'll second the Meguiars "Scratch X".
I have had great success with it.
The best cloth to use is a BRAND NEW baby diaper.
Doesn't get any softer that that.
I use them on my classic car.
Just my $.02.
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I've seen some used CD stores use a bench/wheel grinder with a buffing wheel to buff the surfaces clear of the superficial scratches... wierded me out at first, but they really looked great after a couple quick passes, and the ones I took home play perfectly and look like new. Just like the instructions on a can of paint or stain, however, my advice would be: test first on a scrap piece!

I've succeeded in actually creating more scratches than I had before with some commercial CD-wipes (yes, I cleaned the larger debris and particles off first - the wipes were just not very soft), so I'm taking a "hands-off" approach for the moment. Interested to hear what suggestions others come up with.
