New but old fashioned looking speakers…

I’m looking for a current model speaker with that “old fashioned” look.

Presently I own Tannoy’s Turnberry from their Prestige line. I like the look and sound quality of them a lot but need a “bigger” sound (bigger box/woofer) to fill a large room (25 X30 ft). I am considering moving up the Tannoy line to either the Yorkminster or Canterbury but they’re expensive and therefore I’m looking for alternatives to consider. These would mate up with my Conrad Johnson Premier components and Sota Star TT.

Anything that you would care to suggest would be much appreciated. Klipsch’s La Scala or Corner Horns would be examples.

Thank you!
The Harbeth M40.1 (or less expensive SHL 5's), or the Classic Spendor series would both fit the bill, especially if you like the Tannoy sound.
Which CJ premier amp do you own? What music do you listen to & how loud ?
a) if you have corners available, the Klipshorn are hard to beat for most kinds of music (all, except classical -- where I find them very capable as well). These go very loud and that is magic in a large room.
b) Of course if you like yr Tannoys, stretch for the Canterbury IMO well worth the extra outlay from the Yorks.
c) you could check out the German Physiks Unicorns which are also excellent player. They sound something like a Westminster, with a tweeter (and slightly less bass extension). They look very much like a cabinet in real life.
d) something unusual that can also play loud like the others and may blend into yr room is the Rethm maarga

Once we have more details, you'll have many more ideas:)
If that is the look you are going for, (congrats!, most people want the opposite) and you don't want to spend the big coin on the Yorkminsters, which are great speakers, and old minty pair of Bozak Concert Grands really make a statement.
No good corners for Klipschorns, then La Scalas and a good musical subwoofer? Klipsch Cornwalls if no subwoofer to be used.
