New favorite VINYL Album?

Wolfgang Amadeus by PHOENIX great sounding, fantastic music, highly recomended. my new favorite vinyl album.
Christine and the Queens’s “Christine and the Queens”(both French and English versions), White Demin’s  “Performance “,  Grapetooth’s “Grapetooth” and Michael Rault’s “it’s a new Day Tonight” and “Living Daylight “. All new artists with great albums and futures! 🖖✌️
That is a great album / +1.

Not sure if you have "Boys and girls" from Bryan or not, but would recommend that as well. Also, probably goes without saying but "Avalon" from Roxy Music is absolutely superb.  
Yes @boxer12  have recently picked all those albums up as of late. Recommended from my Best Vinyl Pressings thread. Great records indeed!
Recent re-issue of Talking Timbuktu by Ali Farka Toure and Ry Cooder.
Anything by Nicolaas Jaar.