New Fozgometer V2 Can't Zero Meter

Hi All-

Just purchased and read manual as well as many forum threads on using the Fozgometer V2 including watching YouTube videos as well.

I simply cant't get the unit to display zero (0) when OFF and ON, has to be one or the other (set to zero when OFF or set to zero when ON). If you set to Zero when OFF & then turn ON it reads about 2.5. If ON and you adjust to zero & then turn OFF it reads about -2.5 (less than zero). You can't adjust to achieve zero when both ON or OFF, you would have to zero either when ON or OFF, always leaving one not zeroed. 

Manuals state to zero meters ON and OFF. I adjusted in tiny increments but always bumps the other the same amount in opposite direction. Any suggestions? I would try calibrating but no access to burn a CD with tones from my Ultimate Analogue Test LP

Brand new and impossible to zero? This normal?

Thanks for any leads, Robes-


No, this is not normal. My V1 operates just fine and zeros easily. I am still not sure what the V2 does better than the V1…unless it is more accurate. 

Try replacing batteries just to experiment. 

Thanks for reply. I did try the battery, actually did it 1st. I peeled the wrapper off the new battery that came with it, installed and witrh no luck zeroing the unit I removed and swithed to the AC adapter wall wart that comes with the V@. You can only run it with battery or without battery using AC. Anyhow, both ways gave identical readings.

Guess my big hope here is someone chimes in who also couldn't zero the unit and maybe they have found the trick to fix without returning the unit.

I have the first iteration....very helpful and it's been working well for years.   Call the manufacturer for help

I have the V1 and it works well. If you are in the U.S. contact Musical Surroundings. They'll get you sorted out resolving whatever problem it has.