I been following this for a while. I might consider buying one solely for a collector's item. Does anyone know how good the tone arm and cartridge are. My biggest concern is what happens if it needs servicing and the company is not around anymore?
I'd like to know how the business process works.
According the website 580 people have pledged $434,585.
and it says 

This project will be funded on Mon, Nov 21 2016 9:00 AM EST.

So looks like they will be making at least 600 units.
Does anyone have real experience with this type of business endeavor ?    
Highly sceptical of this table. Mag Lev with no points of contact is very difficult to do. Not sure how it could be done at all, especially for so little money.

If it can be done, it would require powerful magnets that I would not want anywhere near my cartridges.  
Good point.   Another reason I am curious to see how that all works out.  

The business model is new to me as well.   Not sure how that works either.