New Speakers ... Can't Stop "Listening"

I’ve had my new JA Pulsars for about a month now, and something really strange has happened ... I’m actually interested in "listening" to the music. With my old B&Ws, I’d put on the system and read or surf the internet; being "involved" with the music typically was not something I had experienced. Now, reading a magazine or surfing the ’net is virtually impossible. It's almost as if I'm compelled to pay attention. I never knew I could be so engaged by my system. Other than greater detail, what am I hearing now that I hadn’t heard before? Has anyone had a similar experience?

Have you considered the JA Perspectives?

Jeff Joseph said he was trying to essentially make a more affordable, and living-room friendly sized Pearl.
In fact he'd mentioned to me that it was in designing and voicing the Perspectives that he'd thought he'd made advances that he'd like to incorporate into the Pearls, hence afterward he made the Pearl "3" version.

I’ve only heard the Pearl 3’s once, but the Perspectives seemed to carry over that type of midrange quality and purity, and sound plenty big for their size.
Aolmrd: Olybro - just a bug in your ear, if you are feeling in a larger room that your 3’s are a little light in the bass, I added a JL Audio e110 sub to supplement the very bottom end.  Call it cheating if you like, and I’ve always eschewed the use of subs, but this little guy is amazing.  Lots of reasons to dislike subs, aesthetics being one of them, especially given the sheer beauty of the walnut cabinetry housing the SFs, but sonically, and installed per JLs instructions, the e110 has kicked the whole presentation up yet another notch.  Putting a $1500 sub in between $18k worth of amplification and $13.5k speakers takes a tremendous leap of faith but trust me it works.  One of JLs precepts is: first do no harm. Do not change the characteristics that led you to your mains.  Augmentation not alteration. Just a thought.  
@gnason I listened to the Pearl 3s for the first time at AXPONA 2018. Beautiful full sound. I own Perspective speakers and feel comfortable comparing them. Prof has it right; there is no mistaking that the Pearl 3 and Perspective are voiced the same. The Pearl 3s clearly have a deeper tighter bass. And the Pearl 3 seems more holographic, although the small size of the AXPONA room may color this observation. FWIW I run my Perspectives with 2 subs and this setup fills 4000+ cubic feet nicely and provides a very satisfying 25Hz-20KHz experience. When I mentioned to Jeff Joseph that I intended to run the Perspective speakers with stereo subs, he told me I would be getting close to the Pearl 3 experience. Now that I have heard the Pearl 3, I think that assessment is correct. Of course, I'd love to hear Pearl 3s with stereo subs...  
Interesting..however you failed to mention the brand(s) of electronics in your system, Mr Joseph.
@tuxedocat If you were asking me what electronics I use with my speakers, I have Rowland amps/pre/dac/psu. Source is Antipodes.