Have you considered the JA Perspectives?
Jeff Joseph said he was trying to essentially make a more affordable, and living-room friendly sized Pearl.
In fact he'd mentioned to me that it was in designing and voicing the Perspectives that he'd thought he'd made advances that he'd like to incorporate into the Pearls, hence afterward he made the Pearl "3" version.
I’ve only heard the Pearl 3’s once, but the Perspectives seemed to carry over that type of midrange quality and purity, and sound plenty big for their size.
Have you considered the JA Perspectives?
Jeff Joseph said he was trying to essentially make a more affordable, and living-room friendly sized Pearl.
In fact he'd mentioned to me that it was in designing and voicing the Perspectives that he'd thought he'd made advances that he'd like to incorporate into the Pearls, hence afterward he made the Pearl "3" version.
I’ve only heard the Pearl 3’s once, but the Perspectives seemed to carry over that type of midrange quality and purity, and sound plenty big for their size.