New spreakers sound great But

New speakers are great but not enough bass do I need more power or what? Current amp is rotel rb 980 bx speakers are 91db, what do you suggest?
Just blew a channel in my amp, so probably want be waiting to get a replacement. I do love the tone of a tube guitar amp so maybe i should go the tube route, i have also considered selling my peach and going with a integrated like the manley stingray, what do you guys think?
Actually, before I blew a channel in my amp, The bass was sounding better. and when i switched back to my b&w sounded kinda over bassy, and the bass wasnt as tight.
Here is a link to one of Scott's earlier threads, for those that may be interested. It appears that his new speakers are DIY, and now he just blew out a channel in his amp on the first day. Is this correct Scott? If so, I would be very leary of hooking those speakers up to another amp.

Good luck,
No, what happened was is I did something stupid, I had a biwired synergistic research cable and tried to hook it to the speakers which are not bi wired. For some reason I thought I could just double the spades but it didn't work I saw a flash in the amp and then nothing out of the channel. I took the hood off the amp looks like 2 fuses blown will replace them tomorrow and see if there is anything else wrong.