Depending on room acoustics, placement and setup of speakers is critical to having the best results including sound stage depth.
In general, speakers like the tektons that emit all sound via the front will likely sound better closer to front wall than others. Room acoustics will come into play as always though here.
Also, I have found that that the foundation the speaker sets on is a key to best sound stage and imaging overall. Ideally you do not want to be able to detect any acoustic energy being transmitted to the floor.
In lieu of a solid concrete foundation or equivalent, isolating speaker stands might be worth a try. Most speakers and stands inherently couple to the floor. Some focus on decoupling from the floor.
For example, in most rooms with typical suspended plywood floors, I would want to hear speakers like the Tektons setting on a pair of isolating stands like those from Isoacoustics available on AMazon.
The imaging and sound stage difference with these under my front ported Triangle Titus monitors is night and day, the only way to get the Triangles to image like I knew they could in that room.
In general, speakers like the tektons that emit all sound via the front will likely sound better closer to front wall than others. Room acoustics will come into play as always though here.
Also, I have found that that the foundation the speaker sets on is a key to best sound stage and imaging overall. Ideally you do not want to be able to detect any acoustic energy being transmitted to the floor.
In lieu of a solid concrete foundation or equivalent, isolating speaker stands might be worth a try. Most speakers and stands inherently couple to the floor. Some focus on decoupling from the floor.
For example, in most rooms with typical suspended plywood floors, I would want to hear speakers like the Tektons setting on a pair of isolating stands like those from Isoacoustics available on AMazon.
The imaging and sound stage difference with these under my front ported Triangle Titus monitors is night and day, the only way to get the Triangles to image like I knew they could in that room.