New Von Schweikert VR 33?

Interested in buying this speaker, not sold on dealers only direct from VSA so can't audition it. Anybody own or listened to them? Please, your thought.
I own the vr 35s and they are simply amazing good, stunning is a better word. Albert makes a great speaker. Albert is a scientist, engineer and musician, he has all of the skill sets to know how a speaker should sound.
I ended up buying the vons, no thanks to this miserable thread, and they are very nice, lifestyle friendly speakers. They do most things right though.the imaging isnt as sharp as ive experienced, intentional design.goal, and I enjoy more lively macrodynamocs. Choosing the right amp.helps.greatly though.

Overall ill lrobay hold on to these speakers for several years chronic.gear roller.
For the time being, yes.

In many ways I miss the Zu sound, but they were uglier, more intrusive in my living space and really difficult to set up right. I don't care how many people claim Zu speakers are easily setup--they're wrong, it takes a lot of time and effort. I spent 25% of my ownership trying to relocate the magic I had with my superflys after changing other variable sin the room. Inch by inch, days into weeks into months. It drove me nuts! That said, my system turned at least 4 Zu haters into believers, so maybethat time was well spent.

For the time being while I'm in my condo I'll probably continue using the very nice VR-33s. Down the road when this place sells I'll consider something like Druid Vs or Def 4s.