New Western Electric 91E 300B Tube Integrated Amp REVIEW !


Buy a nicely restored Dynaco ST70 for less than $1K and save yourself $14K! The ST70 will measure and sound better than the WE91. I have one!

Wow!  It would be a truly horrible amp if it sounds worse than a Dynaco ST70.  For the record I use to own one.

These are going to need an insanely efficient speaker--I don't run any 300b amps but the Lamm ML2 which can make more than enough power for my needs and sounds great at around 18 watts per chassis. I'm running a horn/hybrid that is nominally 104db efficient. Based on Atkinson's measurements this produces very little power at 8 ohms. What do other implementations of the 300b tube normally produce in terms of power?

@invalid ​​​​that @jasonbourne52 just like to crap on anything he cannot afford or is over $1500.00 he has never even listened to it.Â