New Western Electric 91E 300B Tube Integrated Amp REVIEW !


For those who think specifications tell you all you need to know to determine whether an amp will sound good, amps like these willbe instantly rejected.  Who needs to trust their own lyin’ ears when there are stats to prove one amp is better than another?

Buy a nicely restored Dynaco ST70 for less than $1K and save yourself $14K! The ST70 will measure and sound better than the WE91. I have one!

Wow!  It would be a truly horrible amp if it sounds worse than a Dynaco ST70.  For the record I use to own one.

These are going to need an insanely efficient speaker--I don't run any 300b amps but the Lamm ML2 which can make more than enough power for my needs and sounds great at around 18 watts per chassis. I'm running a horn/hybrid that is nominally 104db efficient. Based on Atkinson's measurements this produces very little power at 8 ohms. What do other implementations of the 300b tube normally produce in terms of power?