Next Upgrade??

Been so enjoying my system lately but always looking for the next best thing and wondering where people think I'd get the greatest improvement from. My current system is a Hana ML1200 on a Clearaudio tracer arm on a performance DC turntable. Play this through a Musical Surroundings Nova III phono stage plugged into Rogue RP-1->rogue m180's->vandersteen Quatro's. All connected with nice audioquest cables. 

My feeling is I could spend a couple Ks on a really nice cartridge and I'll hear a difference that will only grow as I improve other components along the way. 

+1, @gestalt.

I had Hana ML before I upgraded to Hana Umami Red. Hana ML is a very good sounding cart and excellent value for the money. If you love the sound of ML, you’re are going to appreciate the uptick in subtleties with Umami. The Umami simply digs deeper and let’s you appreciate the music even more. It’s definitely has a smoother tone than the ML.

Good luck!
How about some room treatment?

Get your room GIK'd.  More cost-effective than any component upgrade.

As a thought to maximize what you have at the lowest cost:  add the  MUSICAL SURROUNDINGS LINEAR CHARGING POWER SUPPLY; the cost is $650.  This may be your best $/benefit.  

Just a thought
I can't say that anything bothers me about my system. it images fairly well, good bass, definitely loud enough. Just always looking for a little better.

If what you listed really is your whole system then the surest safest way to get what you want for the least amount of money is to first get the most out of what you already have. 

Synergistic PHT on your cartridge will be like a new cartridge. Everything you already like, only more. Get the Green Dream and Black Beauty and use both together. That's what I do. Green Dream is liquid, deep, almost sensual. Black Beauty is dynamic, extended, just more of everything. Together they are fantastic. All those who have taken my advice on this have told me they are extremely pleased with the result.  (Do NOT get Purple Haze. Unless you really do want everything to sound like Jimi Hendrix. Oh well that is what they make the money back guarantee for I guess.)

You will also notice in my system quite a lot of Synergistic ECT and HFT. There's also Orange Fuses in everything. Its hard to see, I use it discretely, but there's fO.q tape on the tone arm and motor. This tape is extremely effective vibration control. Unlike all other vibration damping materials I have tried this tape works on extremely fine micro-vibrations. As such it removes a layer of grunge you never knew was there. Midrange in particular opens up with more presence. Not by being exaggerated but by removing the grunge that was in there obscuring detail. Fantastic stuff. Looks expensive by the square inch- until you use it and hear how much just one square inch can do. 

All these things I'm suggesting, what makes them better than just buying another component is these are all forever things. You buy a component wonderful, you got a component. Until you sell it to get another one. Then you lose everything you put into the first one. All the stuff I'm recommending you will be using on every component and room you're in for the rest of your audio career.  

I am in other words telling you how to build a system. To get somewhere. As opposed to run on a treadmill......   

In case you're wondering, is this stuff really worth it? I just had four guys over and when I removed just one tweak- cable elevators- they all heard the sound stage collapse. Yes. This stuff is totally worth it.