@mahgister I personally find your posts here very interesting and well informed and I actually learn a lot of new things about philosophers and such. I suspect many others do as well.
I do think you could do better to stay on topic though. We all have things we can improve on. That is merely my suggestion to you. I say it in an honest attempt to help you be more effective. We should always encourage polite conversation however concise conversation that is on point is always more effective, persuasive, etc. I would not offer feedback in an attempt to help you be more effective were I not fond of the ideas you profess. Well except when things start steering towards conspiracy theories perhaps. We are all imperfect in many ways. The road to improvement often involves accepting and acting on constructive criticism. It is a gift on can give another with only the best intentions.
Anyhow, now I am off topic and may get flagged as spam so enough of that. Carry on!