No More Fake Reviews - So Who’s Gonna Tell Us What To Buy?

Very interesting and with a fairly profound impact on our audiophile community:

Some strong language in the ruling. How are some of our YouTubers going to be able to sustain their channels without gifted products?



Rooze +1 agree. Larsman very true at the end it’s up to us decide and do the work.I bought my X1 Borensen because I was so impressed hearing the C1 at axpona 2024. Then To confirmed I read Steve Huff reviews.

I review equipment for an online audio zine. I have reviewed gear for 30 years. In that time, I have received exactly two freebies: a pair of Linn interconnects and a set of vibration absorption feet for a turntable. I reviewed the interconnects favorably because I thought they were quite outstanding and I use them to this day. I've never used or reviewed the turntable feet because I don't believe they are necessary for my set up. In my career, I've written more than 120 published reviews, I know there are a few reviewers who write good reviews in the hopes of getting the piece for nothing but I sincerely do not believe it is all that common. Believe what you wish but I think most reviewers are honest.

@realgoodsound +1

All it takes is one or two or three anecdotal accounts of knowing someone who knows someone who's confessed to receiving something for something and it's off to the conspiracy races. 

It actually happened a lot back in the days of print so it's become something like a Sasquatch sighting. Toss in the internet and everyone's in on something and can't be trusted. 

This had been discussed to death with the qualifier being getting to know your reviewer and ascertaining if his/her tastes align with yours. It doesn't need to be as deep and wide as some make it out to be. Times change but morals and ethics don't, as much. What used to be verboten is now normal (as a courtesy) so the values needed to do an honest review can still occur. 

@larsman +1, 

It's so simple a way to do things but there has to be something to complain about.

All the best,

Look at my Subscriber count in over 5 years of YT "fame". I get "some" free stuff but I ALWAYS declare that I am an unpaid Schill for certain brands. And when I'm given "an offer I cannot refuse". I disclose it in my Videos but never the price I paid.

I’m not into fake reviews but the FTC can barely do its day job. How about let’s make sure that we have competition in grocery stores before we worry about what freebie someone gets for posting their whatever online.

Sorry... I just haven’t been a fan of the recent FTC. What with wading into employment law and now nanny-ing consumers.

When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.