No sound

Some weeks ago, out of nowhere i got a loud medium/low tone emanating from my system when I turned it on. I reported it here and it was suggested that the problem could be a faulty tube.  I finally obtained new tubes, installed them, and the tone went a way but so did the audio.  Any ideas about what’s going on?   It’s hart to find competent technicians that will come for home repair.


With the Sys, assuming you have a preamp problem, you are up and running for the price of a cheap tube.

Thank you for the suggestion of the Sys.  I’m  just recovering from a hip replacement then dislocation, so I really can’t get into the insides of my system very easily, but I can hire someone to do  it.

I’ll experiment as much as I can.

No sound at all is almost always user error make sure no mute is engaged and definitely check fuses. Also of you disconnected your preamp from the system make sure you re-connected it properly.

Well, I got the system hooked up properly and the loud tone is back.  So I assume the problem is with the preamp, which I’m going to bring to to be repaired.