No sound

Some weeks ago, out of nowhere i got a loud medium/low tone emanating from my system when I turned it on. I reported it here and it was suggested that the problem could be a faulty tube.  I finally obtained new tubes, installed them, and the tone went a way but so did the audio.  Any ideas about what’s going on?   It’s hart to find competent technicians that will come for home repair.


Well, I got the system hooked up properly and the loud tone is back.  So I assume the problem is with the preamp, which I’m going to bring to to be repaired.

I’ll have to wait 4-6 weeks! for the repair. I already ordered the Schiit Sys but it’s not coming until next Friday.  At least I should have some sound.

Excellent way to get by in the mean time and check out something else. I’ve got some “extra” components (Schiit) that I put now use for burning in cables that I acquired while waiting for delivery of something else.


I don't have a credit card on file here at A'gon anymore, so I think this is how I have to reply.

It's been a couple of years since I have used the Sys.  But yes, the Sys was a step down from using my Copland CTA 305 tube preamp.  Although the Copland is not one of those you read much about, it has served me well.

I think of the Sys as a substitute to be able to listen to music while a higher quality preamp is not available.  

Inside of my preamp:
