No sound

Some weeks ago, out of nowhere i got a loud medium/low tone emanating from my system when I turned it on. I reported it here and it was suggested that the problem could be a faulty tube.  I finally obtained new tubes, installed them, and the tone went a way but so did the audio.  Any ideas about what’s going on?   It’s hart to find competent technicians that will come for home repair.


Excellent way to get by in the mean time and check out something else. I’ve got some “extra” components (Schiit) that I put now use for burning in cables that I acquired while waiting for delivery of something else.


I don't have a credit card on file here at A'gon anymore, so I think this is how I have to reply.

It's been a couple of years since I have used the Sys.  But yes, the Sys was a step down from using my Copland CTA 305 tube preamp.  Although the Copland is not one of those you read much about, it has served me well.

I think of the Sys as a substitute to be able to listen to music while a higher quality preamp is not available.  

Inside of my preamp:





Well, I hooked up the Sys, and lo and behold, I got sound.  Of course it’s primitive compared to my CJ preamp but over all, not too bad.

Thanks to @jetter for the suggestion.