Nobsound springs - load range

I want to try out the Nobsound springs as damping footers (mainly under my mono blocks and my streamer). I ordered a first set of them and now I wonder about the amount of springs to put in for different weights of equipment.I remember one post that said it works best when 50% compressed (was it @millercarbon?).

I measured the compression of the springs, it takes ~2.5 kg per spring to compress it to 50%. Based on 50% compression target, this yields the following sweet spot configurations (only stable ones, total equipment weight):
- 3 units, 3 springs each: 22.5 kg
- 4 units, 3 springs each (or 3 units, 4 springs each): 30 kg - 4 units, 4 springs each: 40 kg
- 3 units, 6 springs each: 45 kg
- 3 units, 7 springs each: 52.5 kg
- 4 units, 6 springs each: 60 kg
- 4 units, 7 springs each: 70 kgLoad can be considerably higher than expected (somewhere I read about 36kg, which is presumably for 4 units).

Any comments?What about ~10 kg streamer, seems to be too light to compress the springs enough? Does anyone have experience with Nobsound springs under light equipment like this?
Based on your experiences: Would you even dare to put an 80kg floor standing speaker on Nobsound springs?


Instant success with first installation? What luck! I failed in my first attempt as the sound got worse when I first installed the Nobsounds. It took me about 5 days with arduous trials to get to the optimal spring configuration.

I was just lucky. I think the quick success might be because I have tube amps (microphonics). Also, the amps sit next to my speakers (mono-blocks) and I know they pick up vibration. I have picked up two more sets of springs. One set will go under my tube preamp and the other will go under my turntable. I just need to make two more isolation platforms (sandwiched oak plywood) for both components. 


richer tone from top to bottom, especially in the lower mids and bass


Also due to the added height of the dollys the sweet spot was too high, now where it was intended


I just got a set of the Nobsound springs and there’s no instructions at all. So I have two questions. First, my Hegel weighs about 44 pounds. Is 4 springs enough or should I use 5? And the second is, should I put them under the Hegel’s feet or next to them?

I’ve read most of this thread and the answers to the first question varied a lot and the pictures I saw had people doing both.

Thanks in advance.


I just thought of another question. I have a bamboo cutting board. Would it be better to put the four Nobsound springs under the cutting board and the put the Hegel on top?

Thanks again.